厦门大学海洋化学专业博士。科研方面主要运用氮稳定同位素手段,系统地研究河口、近海和开阔大洋典型水域的氮过程对环境变迁(暖化,酸化,缺氧....)的响应。参与国家自然科学重大研究计划重点支持项目1项,国家自然科学基金青年项目2项,发表SCI论文10多篇(其中以第一作者在Nature Communications 期刊上发表论文1篇)。
(1)利用人工标记同位素示踪技术,发现在底物充足的环境下, 全球增温会刺激富营养盐系统的硝化速率,且在不同的季节表现出一致的温度敏感性。
(2)通过 15N 同位素加标方法,探讨不同营养盐水平下氨氧化的温度敏感性,发现在不同营养盐水平下氨氧化速率对温度的响应不同。 从河口到近岸再到海盆,随着底物铵浓度降低,氨氧化速率最适宜温度(Topt) 伴随下降, 以至于暖化对近岸和开阔大洋氨氧化速率产生截然不同的影响。 搭配现场实验数据结合模式模拟, 预测到 2100 年,当海水温度增加 4℃,近岸海区氨氧化速率将升高 4.5% ,而开阔大洋氨氧化速率将降低 13% 。
(3)在陆海关键带界面上,定量不同温度条件下沉积物中反硝化、厌氧氨氧化和N2O产生过程的潜在速率,评估其温度敏感性,发现反硝化与厌氧氨氧化过程的Topt与原位环境温度的差异随纬度降低而降低,尤其在低纬度区域,原位环境温度逼近反硝化过程的Topt,甚至已经超过厌氧氨氧化过程的Topt, 因此, 未来全球变暖将可能抑制沉积物厌氧氨氧化过程,促进反硝化过程,进一步导致更多的氮移除以N2O形式排放,从而形成正的气候反馈。
1. Zhen-Zhen Zheng, Li-Wei Zheng, Min Nina Xu, Ehui Tan, David A. Hutchins, Wenchao Deng, Yao Zhang, Dalin Shi, Minhan Dai, Shuh-Ji Kao. Substrate regulation leads to differential responses of microbial ammonia-oxidizing communities to ocean warming. Nature communications, 2020, 11(1): 1-10. (1区,IF:12.12)
2. Li-Wei Zheng, Dawei Li, Xiaodong Ding, Tsung‐Yu Lee, Zhenzhen Zheng, Fuh‐Kwo Shiah, Xufeng Zheng, Ting‐Chang Hsu, Jr‐Chuan Huang, and Shuh‐Ji Kao. Isotope Constraints on the Sources of Particulate Organic Carbon in a Subtropical Deep Reservoir. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,2020, 125, e2019JG005240.(二区,IF= 3.621)
3. Ehui Tan, Wenbin Zou, Zhenzhen Zheng, Xiuli Yan, Moge Du, Ting-Chang Hsu, Li Tian, Jack J. Middelburg, Thomas W. Trull , Shuh-ji Kao. Warming stimulates sediment denitrification at the expense of anaerobic ammonium oxidation. Nature Climate Change, 2020, 10(4): 349-355. (1区,IF:20.89)
4. Ehui Tan, Wenbin Zou, Xinlei Jiang, Xianhui Wan, Ting-Chang Hsu, Zhenzhen Zheng, Ling Chen, Min Xu, Minhan Dai, Shuh-ji Kao. Organic matter decomposition sustains sedimentary nitrogen loss in the Pearl River Estuary, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 648: 508-517.(1区,IF:6.55)
5. Xiuli Yan, Xianhui Sean Wan, Li Liu, Min Nina Xu, Ehui Tan, Zhenzhen Zheng, Wenbin Zou, Li Tian, Da‐Wei Li, Thomas W. Trull, and ShuhJi Kao. Biogeochemical Dynamics in a Eutrophic Tidal Estuary Revealed by Isotopic Compositions of Multiple Nitrogen Species, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2019, 124: 1849-64. (2区,IF:3.41)
6. Min Nina Xu, Weijie Zhang, Yifan Zhu, Li Liu, Zhenzhen Zheng, Xianhui Sean Wan, Wei Qian, Minhan Dai, Jianping Gan, David A. Hutchins, Shuh-Ji Kao. Enhanced ammonia oxidation caused by lateral kuroshio intrusion in the boundary zone of the Northern South China Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, 2018, 45(13): 6585-6593. (一区,IF= 4.497)
7. Zhen-Zhen Zheng, Xianhui Wan, Min Nina Xu, Silver Sung-Yun Hsiao, Yao Zhang, Li-Wei Zheng, Yanhua Wu, Wenbin Zou, Shuh-Ji Kao. Effects of temperature and particles on nitrification in a eutrophic coastal bay in southern China, Journal of Geophysical Research:Biogeosicences, 2017, 122(9): 2325-2337. (2区,IF:3.41)
8. Li-Wei Zheng, Xiaodong Ding, James T Liu, Dawei Li, Tsung‐Yu Lee, Xufeng Zheng, Zhenzhen Zheng, Min Nina Xu, Minhan Dai , Shuh-Ji Kao. Isotopic evidence for the influence of typhoons and submarine canyons on the sourcing and transport behavior of biospheric organic carbon to the deep sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2017,465, 103-111. (一区,IF= 4.824)
9. Min Nina Xu, Yanhua Wu, Li Wei Zheng, Zhenzhen Zheng, Huade Zhao, Edward A. Laws, Shuh-Ji Kao. Quantification of multiple simultaneously occurring nitrogen flows in the euphotic ocean. Biogeosciences, 2017, 14(4): 1021(二区,IF= 3.48)