2016.02-2019.12,特拉华大学(University of Delaware),海洋学(Oceanography),博士
本人专注从事近海河口碳循环研究,擅长运用碳酸盐系统和稳定同位素技术解析近海河口碳循环过程机制及其对富营养化、缺氧和酸化的响应。以第一作者在Nature Geoscience,Limnology and Oceanography,Biogeosciences等国际著名期刊发表SCI 论文5篇,此外在Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences,Progress In Oceanography,Marine Chemistry等地学权威期刊合作发表SCI论文5篇。(1)运用端员混合和无机碳的质量守恒定量了珠江口和切萨皮克湾缺氧区耗氧有机物的来源,成果已经发表于Biogeosciences和Limnology and Oceanography。(2)运用碳酸盐化学,矿物分析和地球化学模型首次提出了切萨皮克湾碳酸盐矿物循环存在空间分离的特点以及由此产生的酸化缓冲机制,成果已经发表于Nature Geoscience。(3)作为Nature Geoscience文章的延续,通过解析溶解氧和碳酸盐系统的时空分布,首次提出切萨皮克湾碳酸钙生成和溶解的季节变化是造成水体缺氧和酸化程度出现季节性不耦合的主要原因,该成果已经发表于Limnology and Oceanography。(4)设计实施了一系列实验评估了基于光腔衰荡同时测定DIC浓度及其稳定同位素的实验方法,成果已经发表于Marine Chemistry。(5)集成分析全球陆架边缘海二氧化碳通量数据,第二作者文章发表在Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences。
厦门大学近海海洋环境科学重点实验室青年访问学者基金项目,典型热带河口海-气界面碳通量及调控机理研究,2022.09-2023.09, 11万,在研,主持。
(1) Jianzhong Su, Wei-Jun Cai*, Jeremy M. Testa, Jean R. Brodeur, Baoshan Chen, K. Michael Scaboo, Ming Li, Chunqi Shen, Margaret Dolan, Yuan-Yuan Xu, Yafeng Zhang, Najid Hussain; Supply-controlled calcium carbonate dissolution decouples the seasonal dissolved oxygen and pH minima in Chesapeake Bay, Limnology and Oceanography, 2021, 66:3796-3810. (二区, IF=3.899)
(2) Jianzhong Su, Wei-Jun Cai*, Jean Brodeur, Baoshan Chen, Najid Hussain, Yichen Yao, Chaoying Ni, Jeremy M. Testa, Ming Li, Xiaohui Xie, Wenfei Ni, K. Michael Scaboo, Yuan-yuan Xu, Jeffrey Cornwell, Cassie Gurbisz, Michael S. Owens, George G. Waldbusser, Minhan Dai, W. Michael Kemp; Chesapeake Bay acidification buffered by spatially decoupled carbonate mineral cycling, Nature Geoscience, 2020, 13:441–447. (一区,IF=14.146)
(3) Jianzhong Su, Wei-Jun Cai*, Jean Brodeur, Najid Hussain, Baoshan Chen, Jeremy M. Testa, K. Michael Scaboo, Deb P. Jaisi, Qiang Li, Minhan Dai, Jeffrey Cornwell; Source partitioning of oxygen-consuming organic matter in the hypoxic zone of the Chesapeake Bay, Limnology and Oceanography, 2020, 65: 1801-1817. (二区,IF=3.899)
(4) Jianzhong Su, Wei-Jun Cai*, Najid Hussain, Jean Brodeur, Baoshan Chen, Kuan Huang; Simultaneous determination of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentration and stable isotope (δ13C-DIC) by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy: Application to study carbonate dynamics in the Chesapeake Bay, 2019, Marine Chemistry, 215: 103689. (三区,IF=2.994)
(5) Jianzhong Su, Minhan Dai*, Biyan He, Lifang Wang, Jianping Gan, Xianghui Guo, Huade Zhao, Fengling Yu; Tracing the origin of the oxygen-consuming organic matter in the hypoxic zone in a large eutrophic estuary: the lower reach of the Pearl River Estuary, China, Biogeosciences, 2017, 14: 4085-4099. (二区,IF=3.624)
(1) Minhan Dai*, Jianzhong Su, Yangyang Zhao, Eileen E. Hofmann, Zhimian Cao, Wei-Jun Cai, Jianping Gan, Fabrice Lacroix, Goulven G. Laruelle, Feifei Meng, Jens Daniel Müller, Pierre A.G. Regnier, Guizhi Wang, Zhixuan Wang; Carbon Fluxes in the Coastal Ocean: Synthesis, Boundary Processes and Future Trends, 2022, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 50: null. (一区, IF=10.378)
(2) Xue Deng, Qian Li, Jianzhong Su, Chun-Ying Liu, Eliot Atekwana, Wei-Jun Cai*; Performance evaluations and applications of a δ13C-DIC analyzer in seawater and estuarine waters. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 833: 155013. (二区, IF=6.701)
(3) Huade Zhao, Minhan Dai*, Jianping Gan, Xiaozheng Zhao, Zhongming Lu, Linlin Liang, Zhiqiang Liu, Jianzhong Su, Zhimian Cao; River-dominated pCO2 dynamics in the northern South China Sea during summer: A modeling study, Progress in Oceanography, 2021, 190: 102457. (二区,IF=3.858)
(4) Jean R. Brodeur, Baoshan Chen, Jianzhong Su, Yuan-Yuan Xu, Najid Hussain, K. Michael Scaboo, Yafeng Zhang, Jeremy M. Testa, Wei-Jun Cai*; Chesapeake Bay Inorganic Carbon: Spatial Distribution and Seasonal Variability, Frontiers in Marine Science, 2019, 6: 99. (三区,IF=3.374)
(5) Chunqi Shen*, Jeremy M. Testa, Ming Li, Wei-Jun Cai, George G. Waldbusser, Wenfei Ni, W. Michael Kemp, Jeffrey Cornwell, Baoshan Chen, Jean Brodeur, Jianzhong Su; Controls on Carbonate System Dynamics in a Coastal Plain Estuary: A Modeling Study, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2019, 124: 61-78. (三区,IF=3.504)
Frontiers in Marine Science, Science of the Total Environment, Biogeochemistry, Marine Chemistry审稿人